It is already five year when we decided to create anarxopunk group on Followers base..
That five years wasn't so idylic how is good for good name of librari such type, but what is fruit of evolution, it's a rule of fight..

Principles of anarcho-punk activity of FOLLLOWERS OF THE APOCALYPSE in case of PROKSIMA ANARXIA brings this questions..:


Ideas as well as actions variability to find of own identity every personality.. That"s why the Followers has that two diferent conceptions.. Everyone can choos what is her/his reality.. and if it's over her/his powers or contribution to life..
My personal opinion is to organizate, because contition of current world it enables and needs..

2. Modesty Anarchizm.. or Anarchistic Radikalizm

Parallely to first point I try to bill idealistic, every side respected, conception to solute of every situation - problem - such way to reach an optimum (real solution with minimal loses)..
But if situation is inadmissible is understable that we will defend every resources..
Violence is not our unrespect to rights, but defention of rights, provocated reflection.


In logical consequence of second point is to ask question if we choose alternative solution or military action as only one rightful solution.
I prefer an autonomism to demonstrate a better way or compromis till last chance of hope.. But in hand-on-heart, heart-on-hand.. both is same utopy as well as nessecity..

4. Re-Evolution.. or Rezignation

Now let we quest an answer for very critical situation, if we went to dead-end lane or if we even got a deathfull stroke..
All what I talk about is my experience, I was confront to solute this questions - so if I say that is possible to regenerate only to certain scale (as well as to leave any ideas is possible only to certain scale..) it is question of faith - maybe fanatizm...


We still demand democratical and socialistic conception of Anarchy, based on selfrealization as highest sence of beeing and absolutly freedom of all..
Anarchy have it one's own way:
I. Reform of XaosOrg.s - is not nessesary to be same strong, nessesary is be equal in principles in first row..
II. Restructuralization - A-Political Party and Order of Apocalyptic Visions synthese in one Anarxaic Magick Order..
III. Global Revolution - constitute Anarchy as new world order.. More informs you can find in Manifest and once more in ContactTel..